Islamabad Wildlife Management Board
After its declaration as a protected area in 1980, the Margallah Hills National Park was managed by the Capital Development Authority (CDA). However, in 2015, the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board (IWMB or the Board) was set up under Section 4 of the Islamabad Wildlife (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Management) Ordinance 1979. The Board was officially notified on 7th July 2015 by the Prime Minister of Pakistan.
Institutional Framework
The Islamabad Wildlife Management Board (IWMB) is the legal custodian of the Park and is mandated to protect, conserve and manage the national park, which it does with support from CDA and Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad (MCI). The Board aims to preserve the ecology of the national park, while giving an opportunity to the present and future generations to experience and enjoy nature, and learn to value it. The protection program of the Board aims to reduce threats from illegal cutting of wood, hunting of animals and birds, forest fires, illegal construction and encroachments, littering, and pollution. In addition, the Board is working with the local communities living adjacent to the park and visitors to raise their environmental awareness and to educate them on the value of the national park.